The #1 Community for World-Class Entrepreneurs Looking to 10x their Growth?

Our Story

Why we Started 10 Crore Club


As part of our investment platform Lionslair, we met about 10 startups a day. There were good ideas and not so great ideas, but the common theme among all the startup was the gaps and the obvious grey areas that the founders couldn’t look at themselves.  That’s when we realized the scale of the problem. When getting started the founders are excited about the opportunity and then the cash crush and the revenue challenges come up. Then they start looking for a quick fix solution, looking for one big client or seek investment from investors ; Not realizing that their business is not ready for investment. The gap between the potential of the business and the reality is too wide and this makes the startup fall into the trap of chasing the fast-growing businesses. This leads to the over-investment in marketing, sales and growth and less time to focus on the product development. This is the reason why so many startups fail. Also, in the journey entrepreneurs stopped collaborating and connecting with fellow entrepreneurs. Everyone knew the importance of collaboration, but there was not a single platform that could enable collaboration among entrepreneurs.

We started 10 Crore Club with these clear objectives :

The Options :

When we founded 10croreclub, these were the alternatives for entrepreneurs

How we started and the growth story

We started 10croreclub with the first meeting on July 20, 2019, Saturday at 5 PM. We had actually conceptualized on Wednesday July 17, 2019 at 9 PM. As you can imagine it was not much time for creating a website, the logo and have an elaborate launch program. We decided to send out invites for entrepreneurs through WhatsApp but we had to make a logo at first. A simple template on Canva helped us to create a powerful logo, which captured the essence of the mastermind process and was also attractive at the same time. That logo has since remained our primary logo even today. Come Saturday at 4:30 PM me and our then cofounder, Sovan Panda, were waiting for the start of the mastermind. It was raining then, instead of 20 confirmed attendees, only about 12 turned up. We were a little disappointed that we didnt get 100% attendance, but later we learnt about statistics about attendance in public events, the average rate being 25%, so we were doing great. Then at about 5:15 PM we started the presentations, people were inspired and were curious to get started. We formed groups of 5 each and there were two groups. The 10Croreclub Mastermind was officially underway. Then we realized, how engaged and involved the entrepreneurs were, we then understood the power of the whole process. We saw bigger things then for 10croreclub at that point. There were powerful breakthroughs, ideas exchanged, connects exchanged. Our little experiment was taking an important turn, people wanted to continue the process, they wanted to meet more often. We had to sell, we had to create an offer. We discussed what could be the ideal scenario and what could we sell. Ideally there must be a regular meeting week on week and there must be an exposure with those who have been there and done that. We called it Weekly meetings and Mega Meetups, on the spot, and we sold our membership.

We had our first member at 10croreclub. Looking back, if not for that first sale and the confidence we got from that first sale and the action we took on an idea, we would not have been who we are today.

Since the first Weekly meetings, we have successfully conducted over 50 such public gatherings, when we started we had zero experience in running events but here we were with rolling out events like pros. During this time, we received tremendous support from the wider startup ecosystem, running the mastermind events is one part but finding the right meeting space was another part. We were greatly supported by many coworking spaces and special mention goes to WeWork for being a great host for most of our events. Any concept can blossom in the right context, WeWork provided that right environment for Mastermind to become success and blossom.

We had our first member at 10croreclub. Looking back, if not for that first sale and the confidencewe got from that first sale and the action we took on an idea, we would not have been who we are today.

Since the first Weekly meetings, we have successfully conducted over 50 such public gatherings, when we started we had zero experience in running events but here we were with rolling out events like pros. During this time, we received tremendous support from the wider startup ecosystem, running the mastermind events is one part but finding the right meeting space was another part. We were greatly supported by many coworking spaces and special mention goes to Wework for being a great host for most of our events. Any concept can blossom in the right context, WeWork provided that right environment for Mastermind to become success and blossom.

Where we are, where we want to go

March 6, 2020 was our last Offline Mega meetup with Sampad Swain of Instamojo. We had over 120 participants inspite of fear of Covid still in the air. Then the Lockdown was a big blow to our expansion and growth plans. After the lockdown, we were in a new untested territory. 

We thought it would be best for us to slow down and wait for normalcy to return. On April 1, 2020, we were back on the road with an Online Meetup that was live streamed on Facebook, YouTube. This was the first time we had an online meetup. Although, our core team was preparing internally for an online mastermind since December 2019, we were not ready yet. Our OKR platform Objectivedone was not yet ready for a launch. We tested and tried several models to connect with our members across India. The value delivery was not effective.

10croreclub 2.0 launched in January 2022 with total revamp of our processes with online first as our priority. We figured, the best way forward with our online strategy is to bring together startups/founders from the same niche. We found this strategy working wonders for the ecosystem. Thats when we launched niche mastermind for founders from several niches such as F&B, Healthcare, Ecomm among many others. Founders interact on our online platform, network, build collaborations, get mentored by top founders in that Niche. Our Megameetups are now in the Metaverse. Attend one of our upcoming Megameetups to experience this virtual magic. 

Mastermind will be the need in this new normal. Gone are those days when entrepreneurs could simply network and hope to grow their business. Collaboration, learning and mastermind are going to be need of the future. We see 10croreclub to be an important partner in enabling entrepreneurs in India achieve their goals, faster!


Why Become a Member at 10 Crore Club

You can set and achieve your targets no matter where you are. Through our powerful online Mastermind system, you will be able to get the same value from the comfort of your home.

Because, Mastermind will help you stay focussed on what is important and not waste time on repeating the same old mistakes. You can leverage on others mistakes and also receive top quality advice for your current situation. Remember all it takes is one good idea, one good connect, one good push to have massive growth for your business. You get all of that and much more.

Top Quality Mastermind

When Napoleon Hill asked Andrew Carnegie about his secret of success, he talked about the power of mastermind. Andrew along with few of his friends formed a mastermind with a common intention to become rich, and they ended up becoming the richest people in the World and in effect were instrumental in starting the industrial revolution. When you get started on your Mastermind Journey you will be using the exact formula that has helped thousands of individuals and Business owners to see massive growth across the world. You can pitch your ideas, get real time feedback about your latest marketing strategy, do a real time test on your business by pitching with your target customer, receive ideas and learn about the latest unspoken success strategies that is working for the entrepreneurs right now.

Goal Tracking on Our OKR platform Objectivedone

Success is all about repeating proven steps from other successful people in your path. When Google was a tiny company with just 3 employees, John Doerr introduced the powerful OKR (Objectives and Key Results) Goal setting and achieving system. We are all witness to the way Google has grown over the years and this is what the cofounder Larry Page himself has to say about OKR “As much as I hate process, good ideas with great execution are how you make magic. And that’s where OKRs come in,” Alphabet CEO and Google co-founder Larry Page wrote in Doerr’s latest book, “Measure What Matters.” “OKRs have helped lead us to 10x growth, many times over. … Those are good key results,” he said.14-Aug-2018. You will be getting access to this world class tool to set and achieve your targets. Our team will help you use this powerful system to ensure your business scalp.

Top Quality Networking

You are the average of 5 people you spend most time with, this reflects in your finance, relationships and health. You will be networking with top achievers and other inspired entrepreneurs who are as well hungry to grow. The biggest of the problems can be solved by connecting with the right person and at the right time, when you are part of our network you can connect with top investors, founders, influencers and mentors who have the powers to change your business trajectory.

Top Quality Mentoring and Learning
There are only two problems be in life or in business. You either dont know the right person or you dont know how to do. Upgrade your entrepreneurial journey by learning the latest techniques in Marketing, Sales, Hiring, Operations and much more in our regular masterclass sessions.

Awards, Titles, and Designations:

Our mastermind has been endorsed and supported by top influencers, multimillionaires and serial entrepreneurs and has been recognised by the Indian Achievers Forum for Business Excellence in March 2020. Prior to COVID19 lockdown we were in partnership with a global coworking chain to conduct our mastermind sessions. 

Our Mission

” To enable every entrepreneur across the globe to realize his/her dream of becoming a millionaire or more through our proven systems in the shortest period of time.”

Our vision

The vision of the 10croreclub is to create an ecosystem of collaboration among fellow entrepreneurs and bring in quality education through workshops and mentoring to enable the growth and dream achievement of every entrepreneur. 

About us

Founder, 10croreclub
Kashyap Karnala- Entrepreneur | CEO | Executive Leadership Coach | Keynote Speaker | Mentor | Advisor | Investor | Trainer

10croreclub took birth with the need for a high quality education, high value community, top class mentoring for every startup and entrepreneur. Lessons, feedback, and suggestions over the years, from hundreds of entrepreneurs like you and me helped build 10croreclub. A club for aspiring entrepreneurs who want to crack the 10crore magic mark and also a community for top achievers who have already crossed the magic mark. A club also for HNIs who want to network among fellow entrepreneurs and angel investors to spot the next big opportunity. In its original avatar, 10croreclub used to organize weekly and monthly mastermind sessions, where in weekly format entrepreneurs meet every week in a physical setting to discuss and brainstorm ideas to business growth and exchange referrals and carry forward lessons for improvement for the next week, in the monthly format we bring together top achievers and influencers to network with our aspiring entrepreneur community. To complete the ecosystem we also help startups raise investment through our funding platform Lionslair and provide top quality exclusive mentoring with our mentoring platform findmymentors. I have started these businesses from lessons learn from pain and failures of my previous startup Eyeeplus, which was into manufacturing smart watches for the elderly. The reason for stall was the technology was not supportive of the intended use. This made me realise the need for a community of support system and top quality mentoring for startups and hence the new journey. Prior to taking a plunge in startup world, I have worked in Germany, France and India as a Aerospace Designer for Airbus, majorly in A380 program.

Meet Our Advisory Board

Dr. GK Ganapathy Reddy, affectionately known as "Stayfit Reddy," is a distinguished figure in the health and fitness industry, renowned for his pioneering contributions to preventive healthcare. He is the visionary founder of Stayfit Health & Fitness in India, an organization dedicated to promoting wellness and holistic health solutions. Dr. Reddy's achievements in the wellness sector are remarkable. Through Stayfit India, he has been a driving force in advocating for and implementing comprehensive health programs that emphasize the importance of proactive health measures. His leadership has significantly advanced preventive healthcare practices, making a global impact through the Stayfit Group. Under his guidance, the Stayfit Group has diversified into various sectors, including schools, colleges, apparel, fitness equipment, real estate, and gyms. This expansion reflects Dr. Reddy's commitment to promoting health and wellness across different facets of life, ensuring a broad and positive influence on communities. Dr. GK Ganapathy Reddy's dedication to health and fitness has transformed the landscape of preventive healthcare, making him an invaluable member of our Advisory Board. His innovative approach and commitment to wellness continue to inspire and drive positive change in the field of health and fitness.
Agnes George is a dynamic entrepreneur and visionary leader with extensive experience in business strategy, planning, and data analytics. He is the founder of Reor Consulting Private Limited, where he helps businesses enhance their strategy, planning, and data analytics through an in-house developed tech platform. His dedicated team excels in market study, go-to-market strategy, business planning, inventory optimization, business operations, and data analytics. In addition to his role at Reor Consulting, Agnes George is the Founder and Managing Director of Pipin Fashions and Retail Pvt Ltd, formerly known as Audaz Brands Retail India Pvt Ltd. He conceptualized and launched the brand De Moza in 2016. Under his leadership, De Moza has experienced remarkable growth, achieving a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 90% over the past eight years. The brand is now prominent in exclusive brand stores, large format retail stores, omni-channel, and online markets both in India and internationally. De Moza employs over 800 people across 700+ sales points. Agnes George's strategic insight and innovative approach have significantly contributed to the success and expansion of the brands he has led, making him a valuable member of our Advisory Board.

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Unlike BNI’s general networking approach, 10 Crore Club is a mastermind community specifically tailored for businesses aiming for turnovers of 10 crores and above. While BNI focuses on referrals and networking, we emphasize exclusive membership, advanced growth strategies, and peer accountability. Our community offers specialized resources, targeted events, and a focus on tangible business results, distinguishing us as a niche platform for high-growth businesses.

 Business Acceleration is the DNA is of this mastermind group. Unlike in a typical business accelerator, the common goal of every member is to get to that magic mark of 10crore. The discussions are more specific and members help each other get there together faster. So we are a business accelerator in a turbo mode. 

 Masterminds have existed since the longest times ever known. Mastermind groups are formed in a wide variety of ways. It can be done with friends, family, and colleagues. The main purpose of a mastermind group is to have an individual or individuals share knowledge and ideas. Mastermind is one of the most underutilized concepts in entrepreneurship.  Andrew Carnegie, once the richest person alive,  attributed his success to mastermind he formed with his fellow entrepreneurs.  If you are starting a business or launching a product, a mastermind group can help you find out what other entrepreneurs are doing and how they have been successful.